
Make a list ahead of time. Think about what is necessary and try to cut out what you don’t really need. Important documents and medication are best put in your hand luggage and should include your travel tickets and passport. Make sure all prescription medications are in original packets and check that it is legal to carry these to your destination. Check essentials off your list as you pack and before packing place everything on the bed and then get rid of half of it. Trust us, you won’t need it.

Travel light

Baggage limits vary for different airlines so make sure you know yours including the dimensions and weight. The luggage allowance for infants can vary so if you are travelling with children make sure you know your limits. If you are checking in bags find out if this is included with your ticket as sometimes it will need to be pre-booked.

Packing for holiday


No liquids over 100ml in hand luggage. This includes lipstick, perfume and mascara. All liquids must be in re-sealable clear plastic bags no bigger than 20cm x 20cm, however, you can buy any size liquid you like after security so anything needed can be bought at the airport. Liquids in your checked-in suitcase could be put in plastic bags in case of spillage. Getting to your destination to find your clothes covered in moisturiser is never a good thing.

Leave jewellery at home

You may love the way it looks but many insurances won’t cover valuables so consider how devastated you would be losing your heirlooms before you pack.

Packing with children

With the standard mucky fingers it is always a good idea to pack an extra top in your hand luggage just in case of chocolate or travel sickness. Also, start preparing a few weeks before your trip. Pack things as early as possible and make an ongoing list to ensure you have all the essentials for the children. A clip-on reading light is a handy idea for reading without disturbing a sleeping baby and make sure you have enough nappies, baby food and other essentials for the whole of the journey and a few extra just in case of delays. Make sure you have something to entertain the children, colouring, tablets, and mp3 player.

Packing with children

Take a wrap

Scarves, wraps and sarongs are so versatile when travelling. They take up very little space and can be used to keep warm, protect from the sun on the head and body, and they can be used to cover up for entrance to a cathedral or other religious space. Easily packed into a handbag or tied onto the body. You can lie on them, tie them into a skirt, dress, turban or wrap. Perfect and portable!

What to pack

Wear what you can

Remember your pockets. If your bags are heavy place items in your pockets and wear layers of clothes. Wearing heavy or bulky clothes such as boots, coats and jumpers can save space and weight and always pack a few essentials in your hand luggage like a toothbrush and underwear in case your bag goes missing. Also, if you are travelling with another try to split your things between the two bags in case one goes missing.

Photocopy your passport

Take a photocopy of your passport and keep it separate from your actual passport. That way if you lose your passport you have something to help you get a replacement abroad.

Holiday packing tips

Packing techniques

There are three basic packing techniques – folding, rolling or bundling. For bundling you need a small packing square for the centre of the case and then wrap the clothes around this from the centre working outwards. Rolling clothes up is the best way to avoid creases and don’t overfill – squashed clothes will be more creased. You can also keep your case smelling fresh by lining it with drawer liner.

Packing techniques

Identifying your suitcase

Sometimes a luggage label can fall off so it is a good idea to put another inside the case and if you tie something to your case such as a brightly coloured ribbon or even a plastic carrier bag it make it much easier to spot your case in baggage claim.



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