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Can I bring medication on my flight?

If you require prescribed medication for a health condition, you should talk to your GP or Practice Nurse about travelling before your holiday, as they will be able tell you if you need to make any special arrangements. You should always carry your medication in a correctly labelled container as issued by your pharmacist. You should carry your medication in your hand luggage (airline regulations permitting), with a copy of your prescription.

You’re allowed to carry the following in your hand luggage:

  • essential medicines of more than 100ml, including liquid dietary foodstuffs and inhalers
  • medical equipment, if it’s essential for your journey

You’ll need to carry proof that the medication is prescribed to you (for example a letter from your doctor or a copy of your prescription) if it’s both:

  • in liquid form
  • in a container larger than 100ml

You do not need to show proof if the medication is either:

  • in tablet form
  • liquid in a container that’s 100ml or smaller

For further information, please visit the GOV website - Hand Luggage Restcrictions - GOV

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